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Sensorium vyhlasuje súťaž pre študentov vysokých a stredných škôl o bezplatné miesto na vypredanom celodennom workshope Machine Learning pre umelcov a dizajnérov.

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Andrej Boleslavský is an independent artist who applies technology in the field of new media art, interactive design, physical computing and 3D printing. His work reflects strong fascination with combining nature with technology.

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New year, new space, you can also count on a courtyard to enjoy the first sun rays, we are looking forward to see you in the Pisztory Palace Bratislava!

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They are masters of beautiful aesthetics and generative art. Based in London, they combine art + technology to create immersive audio-visual experiences, and powerful new formats of visual communication. We are extremely pleased to announce Field as the first speakers of Sensorium 2017.

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