Machine Learning for Artists and Designers

Gene Kogan

Sunday 30 April 2017, 10.30 - 17.30

Are you curious about how machines can gain human-like capabilities? Would you like to know how to teach your computer to recognise and respond to its environment? Gene Kogan will introduce you to these techniques in the context of art and design during an all day workshop: Machine learning for artists and designers on 30th April in Bratislava.

Limited number of participants. No coding experience required.

Gene Kogan will introduce the theory and application of machine learning for creative and artistic practice. It will focus on core algorithms used for parsing, visualizing, and discovering patterns in complex multimedia data, including images, sounds, and text. We will learn how to use neural networks to create real-time, cross-modal interactions for use in video and installation, as well as live music performance. We will also provide tools and code for clustering and visualizing large collections of multimedia. Prior coding experience in a text-based (Python, Java, C++) or patch-based (Max/MSP) programming environment is helpful but not necessary.

This workshop is SUITABLE FOR BEGINNERS, no prior experience with programming or machine learning is required! If you have experience you can still join the workshop and you will be able to dive deeper into the topics with Gene's support.

For more info on the topics covered in this workshop, see this article by Gene on teaching Machine Learning for Artists.

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